Wednesday 24 May 2017

£28 000 Beatles poster

Original Beatles poster from an August 1963 concert, the month 'She loves you' was launched sells for £28 000.
Quite a price for some bold condensed and extend caps in three colours and four half-tone cut-out heads!

Ecole Bleue Masters diploma exhibition

Juliane sitting amongst her sketches and models features on the Ecole Bleue Masters diploma exhibition poster. The end result of five years studies in global design.
Photography Seb Lovat.

Our Nepal sketches on the French Embassy Kathmandu website

The website of the French Embassy in Nepal features a story about our Nepal study tour and 17 pages of drawings and sketches from our visit.

Mornin' Milk on Admirable Design

Mornin' Milk packaging design and branding for a range of farm produced organic milks is featured on Admirable Design. The Flip Clock highlights different, typical milk consumption times on each face of the Tetra Pack carton.